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Baidu Qianfan Configuration

Support for large models in Baidu Qianfan's large model platform, click here to view the support list: Model List, including but not limited to the following large models:

  • ERNIE-Bot 4.0
  • ERNIE-Bot-8K
  • ERNIE-Bot
  • ERNIE-Bot-turbo
  • ChatGLM2-6B-32K
  • ChatGLM3-6B
  • Baichuan2-13B-Chat
  • Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct
  • Yi-34B-Chat
  • Qianfan-Chinese-Llama-2-7B-32K
  • Dolly-12B
  • Falcon-40B-Instruc

Configurable parameters:

Parameter NameParameter DescriptionDefault Value
client_idGet API Key after creating13rBTgx*e03XE
secretGet Secret Key after creatingzYxtMI***QLerLgQ2W5e
modelModel Listyi_34b_chat
extra_parametersAdvanced parameters for third-party large model inference vary depending on the third-party large model vendor.{}


The "model" field should be filled with the model code corresponding to the large model, for example, ERNIE-Bot 4.0. By opening its API documentation, you can see that the request URL is Therefore, its model code is completions_pro, which means the URL follows this pattern:{model}. So, the model code is the field defined as {model}.

Configuration example:

"2": {
"start_text": "哈哈哈哈哈,我是一个超快可爱的大小兔,请问有什么我可以帮助你的吗?",
"prompt": "你是一个知识渊博,乐于助人的智能机器人,你的名字叫“小兔”,你的任务是陪我聊天",
"max_message_count": 5,
"llm_type": "qianfan",
"llm_config": {
"client_id": "your api key",
"secret": "your secret key"
"model": "completions_pro"