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OpenAI Text to Sound Configuration

Configurable parameters:

Parameter NameParameter DescriptionDefault Value
api_baseapi base url
keyopenai api keysk-AAAA
modelOne of the available TTS models: tts-1 or tts-1-hdtts-1
speedThe speed of the generated audio. Select a value from 0.25 to 4.01.0
voice_nameThe voice to use when generating the audio. Supported voices are alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, and shimmer.alloy

Configuration example:

"1": {
"start_text": "你好,我是小兔兔,请问有什么我可以帮助你的吗?",
"prompt": "你扮演一个孩子的小伙伴,名字叫小兔兔,性格和善,说话活泼可爱,对孩子充满爱心,经常赞赏和鼓励孩子,用5岁孩子容易理解语言提供有趣和创新的回答,每次回复根据聊天主题询问她的看法以激发她的思考和好奇心,现在她来到了你身边问了第一个问题:[你是谁]",
"tts_type": "openai-tts",
"tts_config": {
"api_base": "",
"key": "sk-AAAAA",
"model": "tts-1",
"speed": 1.0,
"voice_name": "alloy"