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Advanced installation with EMQX

In case you wish to make FoloToy Server publicly available on the Internet, it is strongly recommended to secure the EMQX service and allow access to EMQX only with a password.



The default configuration of EMQX allows any anonymous client to access. You can make your EMQX service only allow connections from your own devices by following these steps.

Modify default password

  • Open http://your_external_server_ip:18083 in your browser(Default username: admin, Default password public. Please change your password after login)

Toy and folotoy-server Authentication

  • Create a Password-Based database from sidebar Access Control > Authentication
  • Create a new Superuser from sidebar Access Control > Authentication > database_you_created > User Management. (Username and Password should be the ones defined in docker-compose.yml (MQTT_USERNAME and MQTT_PASSWORD)), recommended username is folotoy
  • Create a new User from sidebar Access Control > Authentication > database_you_created > User Management. (Username and Password can be found in the log after your connect your device using the Web Serial Tool: > Console) or on the case with qrcode:
    • sn will be used as username
    • key will be used as passwd
  • If you want to use integration mqtt api, you also need to create a username: integration


Create Authorization with File:

%% -type(ipaddr() :: {ipaddr, string()}).
%% -type(ipaddrs() :: {ipaddrs, [string()]}).
%% -type(username() :: {user | username, string()} | {user | username, {re, regex()}}).
%% -type(clientid() :: {client | clientid, string()} | {client | clientid, {re, regex()}}).
%% -type(who() :: ipaddr() | ipaddrs() | username() | clientid() |
%% {'and', [ipaddr() | ipaddrs() | username() | clientid()]} |
%% {'or', [ipaddr() | ipaddrs() | username() | clientid()]} |
%% all).
%% -type(action() :: subscribe | publish | all).
%% -type(topic_filters() :: string()).
%% -type(topics() :: [topic_filters() | {eq, topic_filters()}]).
%% -type(permission() :: allow | deny).
%% -type(rule() :: {permission(), who(), action(), topics()} | {permission(), all}).

{allow, {username, {re, "^dashboard$"}}, subscribe, ["$SYS/#"]}.

{allow, {ipaddr, ""}, all, ["$SYS/#", "#"]}.

{deny, all, subscribe, ["$SYS/#", {eq, "#"}]}.

%% server acl
{allow, {username, "folotoy"}, subscribe, ["/user/folotoy/+/thing/event/post", "/user/folotoy/+/thing/command/callAck"]}.
{allow, {username, "folotoy"}, publish, ["/user/folotoy/+/integration/event/post", "/user/folotoy/+/thing/command/call"]}.

%% toy acl
{allow, {username, {re, "^[0-9a-zA-Z]{8,32}$"}}, subscribe, ["/user/folotoy/${username}/thing/command/call", "/user/folotoy/${username}/thing/event/postAck"]}.
{allow, {username, {re, "^[0-9a-zA-Z]{8,32}$"}}, publish, ["/user/folotoy/${username}/thing/command/callAck", "/user/folotoy/${username}/thing/event/post"]}.

%% integration acl
{allow, {username, "integration"}, subscribe, ["/sys/folotoy/+/thing/event/post", "/sys/configAck"]}.
{allow, {username, "integration"}, publish, ["/sys/config"]}.

{deny, all}.