在 Fly.io 上安装 FoloToy 服务器程序
本文提供了在Fly.io上安装 FoloToy 服务器程序的必要步骤。
- 注册 fly.io 的账号并绑定好银行卡。
- 准备好一个 OpenAI 的 apiKey,点击这里注册 OpenAI,如果无法注册 OpenAI, 也可以注册 MagickChat 服务,领取一个测试使用的 apiKey。
如果本机没有安装 git
命令,也需要安装好 git
和 flyio
的命令,部署全程都需要使用命令,非常的 Geek。
打开你的终端,在 macOS 上可以使用自带的 Terminal.app
git clone https://github.com/FoloToy/folotoy-server-self-hosting.git
进入目录 ./folotoy-server-self-hosting/flyio/folotoy-server
├── flyio
│ └── folotoy-server
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── acl.conf
│ ├── fly.toml
│ ├── mosquitto.conf
│ ├── passwd
│ ├── roles.json
│ ├── set_secrets.sh
│ └── start.sh
- fly.toml
- passwd
如果希望自行定义玩具的角色,还可以修改 roles.json 文件。
修改 fly.toml 文件
把 fly.toml
配置文件中所有的 <your_app_name>
# Todo: modify your app name
app = "<your_app_name>"
# Todo: modify your speech udp server host
SPEECH_UDP_SERVER_HOST = "<your_app_name>.fly.dev"
# Todo: modify your audio files download url
AUDIO_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://<your_app_name>.fly.dev:8082"
例如我给我的应用取名是 folotoy-server-test,那么我的 fly.toml 是这样的:
# fly.toml app configuration file generated for folotoy-server-test on 2023-12-13T18:33:02+08:00
# See https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/ for information about how to use this file.
app = "folotoy-server-test"
primary_region = "nrt"
API_SERVER = "true"
AUDIO_DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://folotoy-server-test.fly.dev:8082"
AUDIO_SAVE_PATH = "/audio"
LLM_TYPE = "openai"
LOG_OUTPUT = "stderr"
MQTT_CLIENT_ID = "folotoy"
MQTT_USERNAME = "folotoy"
ROLES_FILE_PATH = "/config/roles.json"
SPEECH_UDP_SERVER_BIND_ADDRESS = "fly-global-services"
SPEECH_UDP_SERVER_HOST = "folotoy-server-test.fly.dev"
STT_TYPE = "openai-whisper"
TTS_TYPE = "edge-tts"
TZ = "Asia/Shanghai"
protocol = "udp"
internal_port = 8085
port = 8085
protocol = "tcp"
internal_port = 8082
port = 8082
protocol = "tcp"
internal_port = 1883
port = 1883
修改 passwd 文件
在 passwd
文件中添加自己 mqtt 服务账号,玩具的 SN 和 key。
- 例如我的玩具 SN 和 Key 分别是 F234103026 和 JvRjTtz5brsN,这里 SN 和 key 可以从包装上获取,没有了也可以用附带的 USB 线连接电脑和玩具,再访问 网页工具 来查看
- 如果有多个玩具,请在这个文件中每一个玩具添加一行
- 我的 mqtt 服务账号用户名和密码分别是 folotoy 和 Ev6****cDB, 这里用户名请保持为 folotoy,密码可以设置为任意的字符串
- 注意,
例如我的 passwd 如下
开始执行 flyio 命令
- fly auth login
- fly launch --ha=false --no-deploy
❯ fly launch --ha=false --no-deploy
Creating app in /Users/lewang/Playground/flyio/folotoy-server-self-hosting/flyio/folotoy-server
An existing fly.toml file was found for app folotoy-server-test
? Would you like to copy its configuration to the new app? Yes
Scanning source code
Detected a Dockerfile app
? Choose an app name (leaving blank will default to 'folotoy-server-test')
automatically selected personal organization: Le
App will use 'nrt' region as primary
Created app 'folotoy-server-test' in organization 'personal'
Admin URL: https://fly.io/apps/folotoy-server-test
Hostname: folotoy-server-test.fly.dev
Wrote config file fly.toml
Validating /Users/lewang/Playground/flyio/folotoy-server-self-hosting/flyio/folotoy-server/fly.toml
Platform: machines
✓ Configuration is valid
Your app is ready! Deploy with `flyctl deploy`
这样就创建好了一个app,用浏览器打开 fly.io 的后台,进入刚刚创建的项目,来添加几个需要用到的密码配置。
一共需要添加以下4个变量, 其中 OPENAI_OPENAI_KEY
可以用同一个 apiKey
- MQTT_PASSWORD ,这个密码就是前面
文件中 folotoy 用户使用的密码,请保持一致 - OPENAI_OPENAI_KEY,这个是 OpenAI 的 apiKey
- OPENAI_TTS_KEY,这个是 OpenAI 的 apiKey
- OPENAI_WHISPER_KEY,这个是 OpenAI 的 apiKey
也可以通过修改目录下的 set_secrets.sh
来通过执行命令行 ./set_secrets.sh
创建,效果与在flyio后台添加是一样的,例如我的 set_secrets.sh
fly secrets set MQTT_PASSWORD="Ev6****cDB"
fly secrets set OPENAI_OPENAI_KEY="sk-MOfAmt06v*********************uPx33lKL"
fly secrets set OPENAI_TTS_KEY="sk-MOfAmt06v*********************uPx33lKL"
fly secrets set OPENAI_WHISPER_KEY="sk-MOfAmt06v*********************uPx33lKL"
完成前面的步骤之后,执行:fly launch --ha=false
以下这两处选择 N
- Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? N
- Would you like to set up an Upstash Redis database now? N
❯ fly launch --ha=false
Creating app in /Users/lewang/Playground/flyio/folotoy-server-self-hosting/flyio/folotoy-server
An existing fly.toml file was found for app folotoy-server-test
? Would you like to copy its configuration to the new app? Yes
Scanning source code
Detected a Dockerfile app
? Choose an app name (leaving blank will default to 'folotoy-server-test')
? App folotoy-server-test already exists, do you want to launch into that app? Yes
Some regions require a paid plan (bom, fra).
See https://fly.io/plans to set up a plan.
? Choose a region for deployment: Tokyo, Japan (nrt)
App will use 'nrt' region as primary
Admin URL: https://fly.io/apps/folotoy-server-test
Hostname: folotoy-server-test.fly.dev
? Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? No
? Would you like to set up an Upstash Redis database now? No
Wrote config file fly.toml
? Would you like to deploy now? Yes
Validating /Users/lewang/Playground/flyio/folotoy-server-self-hosting/flyio/folotoy-server/fly.toml
Platform: machines
✓ Configuration is valid
==> Building image
Remote builder fly-builder-long-voice-4357 ready
==> Building image with Docker
--> docker host: 20.10.12 linux x86_64
[+] Building 1.5s (16/16) FINISHED
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.5s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 69B 0.4s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.4s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.4s
=> [internal] load metadata for docker.io/lewangdev/folotoy-server: 0.5s
=> [ 1/11] FROM docker.io/lewangdev/folotoy-server: 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.4s
=> => transferring context: 331B 0.4s
=> CACHED [ 2/11] RUN apt update && apt-get install -y mosquitto 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 3/11] RUN mkdir -p /etc/mosquitto 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 4/11] ADD mosquitto.conf /etc/mosquitto 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 5/11] ADD acl.conf /etc/mosquitto 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 6/11] ADD passwd /etc/mosquitto 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 7/11] RUN chown -R mosquitto:mosquitto /etc/mosquitto && chmod 600 /etc/mosquitto/acl.conf && chmod 600 /etc/mosquitto/passwd 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 8/11] RUN /usr/bin/mosquitto_passwd -U /etc/mosquitto/passwd 0.0s
=> CACHED [ 9/11] RUN mkdir /config && mkdir /audio 0.0s
=> CACHED [10/11] ADD roles.json /config 0.0s
=> CACHED [11/11] ADD start.sh /src 0.0s
=> exporting to image 0.0s
=> => exporting layers 0.0s
=> => writing image sha256:e73d13c236f4465516e10b11c025be772380eeb1285e14e7408dd9d84f4bab71 0.0s
=> => naming to registry.fly.io/folotoy-server-test:deployment-01HHKY297S64B3KJMF63FAFRM4 0.0s
--> Building image done
==> Pushing image to fly
The push refers to repository [registry.fly.io/folotoy-server-test]
a3a035cf56be: Layer already exists
2f981c2304f3: Layer already exists
5a744ccf4f8d: Layer already exists
ff57c4eda2a9: Layer already exists
6dba0f442acc: Layer already exists
f218c961a1f3: Layer already exists
4198c989d930: Layer already exists
f215cc9c49ba: Layer already exists
6388ab9780f4: Layer already exists
2d67c58a943e: Layer already exists
08275f2186b7: Layer already exists
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
5e755d97a32b: Layer already exists
fde529e4faf0: Layer already exists
d47851151144: Layer already exists
e8b749f6c4d7: Layer already exists
aa065d85cfdc: Layer already exists
10764c37bcbc: Layer already exists
deployment-01HHKY297S64B3KJMF63FAFRM4: digest: sha256:fd83b390d7cf072629d34d299831161de6625db28cc1695d0617103182573afe size: 4076
--> Pushing image done
image: registry.fly.io/folotoy-server-test:deployment-01HHKY297S64B3KJMF63FAFRM4
image size: 261 MB
Watch your deployment at https://fly.io/apps/folotoy-server-test/monitoring
Updating existing machines in 'folotoy-server-test' with rolling strategy
Finished deploying
✔ Machine 32875165a03448 [app] update finished: success
这样部署就完成了,进入 flyio 后台查看一下状态
为自己玩具配置 MQTT 服务器
如果玩具固件版本在 v23.50.3.10 之后,在玩具进入配置模式后,用手机或者电脑连接玩具,在 MQTT 处填写如下
- MQTT Server Address: folotoy-server-test.fly.dev
- MQTT Server Port: 1883
如果玩具固件在 v23.50.3.10 之前,需要更新固件至最新版版本,或者安装下面的配置重新发布程序
- 登录 flyio 后台,查看到服务的 ip 地址,例如我的 ip 是 149...218
修改 fly.toml 文件之后再重新发布:
SPEECH_UDP_SERVER_HOST = "folotoy-server-test.fly.dev"
保存之后,在命令行中执行 fly launch --ha=false